Selby Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 9PL

0161 864 5700

Lostock High School

Inspire - Transform - Succeed

  1. News
  2. Asthma attacks!

Asthma attacks!

28 August 2022 (by Gary Quinn (GQuinn))

Huge numbers of children attending due to an asthma attack or exacerbation in the first few weeks back to school.

In September, children’s wards and Emergency departments always see huge numbers of children attending due to an asthma attack or exacerbation in the first few weeks back in school.  Many of these admissions can be avoided if simple steps are taken.  Such as:

  • Making sure there is enough, in date reliever inhaler to use when feeling wheezy or tight chested
  • Knowing how to use inhalers properly.
  • Having a review with GP/Asthma nurse for an up to date Action plan
  • Using preventer inhalers daily.

Click here for more information and support.